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Committees Of The Board

Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust
Chair: Mr P Bond
Vice Chair: Mrs J Aukett


Mrs J Aukett (Vice Chair)
Mr S Woolsey (Chair)

Non-Trustee Committee Members:

Mr R Coleman
Mr J Stokes
Mr K Vincent

Quorum: 3

Delegated Powers: Yes


Mr M Draper (Chair)
Mr P Bond
Mr P Cornford
Mr C Brook

Quorum: 3

Delegated Powers: Yes


Mrs J Aukett
Mr P Bond
Mr C Brook
Mr P Cornford
Mrs A Hardy
Mrs A Manders
Mr S Woolsey

Quorum: 3

Delegated Powers: Yes


Mrs J Aukett
Mr P Bond
Mr C Brook
Mr P Cornford
Mrs A Hardy
Mrs A Manders
Mr S Woolsey

Quorum: 3

Delegated Powers: Yes


Mrs J Aukett
Mr P Bond
Mr C Brook
Mr P Cornford
Mrs A Hardy
Mrs A Manders
Mr S Woolsey

Quorum: 3

Delegated Powers: Yes


Mrs J Aukett (Chair)
Mr P Cornford
Mr P Bond

Quorum: 3

Delegated Powers: Yes


Mr P Bond
Mr M Draper
Mr S Woolsey

Quorum: 3

Delegated Powers: Yes


Mrs J Aukett
Mr P Bond
Mr C Brook
Mr P Cornford
Mrs A Hardy
Mrs A Manders
Mr S Woolsey

Quorum: 3

Delegated Powers: Yes

Committees of the Board

All committees are appointed by and accountable to the Board, in line with the Articles of Association and the Funding Agreement.

All committees except an LGB must include a majority of trustees (LGB may include no trustees).

1. Local Governing Bodies (LGB)

Each academy has a local governing body.

At least one Trustee appointment and three others.


  • 3 persons appointed by the Trustees of the Trust.
  • 2 Parents of pupils at the constituent academy (by local election).
  • The Principal ex officio
  • An elected non-voting representative of the staff of the constituent academy.

Terms of reference

  1. To meet each term
  2. To support the effective operation of the trust and implementation of its policies.
  3. To provide support and challenge to the local academy executive.
  4. To ensure the trust board are engaged with the Academy, its students, its parents and the local community.
  5. To bring issues and risks to the attention of the trust board.
  6. To provide constructive feedback to the board on trust wide policies and procedures.

2. Finance

Three trustees


  • Trustees form the majority on this Committee.
  • The Board appoints a Chair and Vice Chair from the Non-Executive Trustees of the Board.
  • Membership includes the CEO as trustee with normal voting rights, as well as the CFO, Executive Principal (Primary) and Executive Principal (Secondary) in a non-voting capacity.
  • The Committee may invite any member of the of Senior Executive Team to attend.
  • The Internal Auditor may be invited to attend meetings of the Committee.

Terms of reference

The Board delegates the regular detailed monitoring of budget income and expenditure to this Committee.

  1. To meet at regular intervals (at least twice a term) to review in detail the budget monitoring reports of the MAT’s central operations and its constituent academies along with associated papers presented by the CEO.
  2. To agree all budget amendments including virements over the Chief Executive’s delegated financial limits which are to be countersigned by the Chair of Finance.
  3. To authorise the disposal of assets beyond the delegated limits to the CEO.
  4. To deal with all matters pertaining to tendering for services, arranging quotations, letting contracts where the potential cost exceeds the limit delegated to the CEO and in accordance with the Tendering Policy.

3. Audit & Risk

Three non-executive trustees


  • No members of the Finance Committee may sit on this committee.
  • The Board appoints a Chair and Vice Chair.
  • The CEO and CFO should normally be invited.
  • The Committee may invite any member of the of Executive Team to attend.
  • The Internal Auditor should be invited to attend meetings of the Committee when required.
  • The Board delegates the regular and detailed monitoring of internal controls.
  • No Non-Executive Trustee members of the Finance Committee may sit on this committee.

Terms of reference

This is a statutory Committee responsible for providing assurance to the Board on the system of internal controls, risk management and financial probity.
  1. To meet at least three times a year.
  2. To monitor all internal controls.
  3. To inform the work plan for the audit reviews.
  4. To receive reports from the Internal Auditor on the effectiveness of the financial procedures and control of the centre and constituent academies.
  5. To receive from the CEO the reports on the effectiveness of the financial procedures and control of the MAT in accordance with the MAT Financial Regulations and the current Academies’ Financial Handbook.
  6. To advise the CEO on their preferred attitude to risk.

4. Personnel

At least three trustees


  • All Trustees are members of this Committee.
  • The Board appoints a Chair and Vice Chair from the Non-Executive Trustees of the Board.
  • Membership includes the CEO.

Terms of reference

  1. To meet when needed.
  2. On the recommendation of the CEO, to appoint Academy Principals and members of the Senior Executive Team.
  3. To hear any appeal in relation to staff dismissal in which they have not been involved.
  4. To recommend to the Board the policies for staff appointments.
  5. To consider and establish personnel policies as requested by the Board.

5. Admissions

At least three trustees


  • All Trustees are members of this Committee.
  • The Board appoints a Chair and Vice Chair from the Non-Executive Trustees of the Board.

Terms of reference

  1. To meet as required and at least once a year.
  2. To consider all matters relating to the admission of pupils to all the academies in the organisation, in accordance with the policy of the Board, having regard to the requirements of the Admissions Code and any other requirements attached as appendices to the Master and/or Supplemental Funding Agreements.
  3. To keep the admission arrangements under review.

6. Complaints

Three, to include at least one trustee.


  • Any trustee may be a member.
  • Any disinterested member of a local governing body may be a member.
  • Any independent person from outside the Trust may be invited by the Chair.

Terms of reference

  1. To meet when needed.
  2. To monitor and report to the Board the frequency and conclusion of complaints.
  3. To deal with complaints in line with policies and procedures.
  4. To keep the complaints policy and procedures under review.

7. Pay and Performance

At least three trustees.


  • Any trustee may be a member.
  • The Chair of the Finance Committee should normally be a member.

Terms of reference

  1. To formulate and keep under review a pay policy that observes all statutory and contractual obligations, and which meets the needs of recruitment, retention and development of staff.
  2. To receive reports from the CEO on the performance and pay of all staff in accordance with the Pay and Performance Policy.

8. Senior Staff Remuneration

Three trustees


  • The Chair of the Board, Chair of Finance and Chair of Audit.
  • Any other trustees.
  • The CEO should attend to advise on all matters other than his own remuneration.

Terms of reference

  1. To receive reports from the CEO in relation to the performance of Principals of constituent academies and members of the Senior Executive Team.
  2. To receive recommendations from the CEO in relation to the remuneration of Principals of constituent academies and members of the Senior Executive Team (other than the CEO).
  3. To determine the remuneration of Principals of constituent academies and members of the Senior Executive Team.
  4. To take evidence from the CEO in relation to his own performance.
  5. To determine the remuneration of the CEO in the light of his performance, benchmark comparisons with similarly sized trusts, and the median level of pay across all other salaried staff in the Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust.

9. Pupil Disciplinary

Three, to include at least one trustee.


  • Any trustee may be a member.
  • Any disinterested member of a local governing body may be a member.
  • Any independent person from outside the Trust may be invited by the Chair.

Terms of reference

  1. To consider any exclusion requested by the parents under paragraph 52*
  2. To consider any exclusions described under paragraph 56*
  3. To consider the reinstatement of any pupil excluded under the terms of paragraph 66*