Enhancing Behaviour & Attitudes

Principles and commitment
The trust believes in the principle that exemplary student behaviour is the foundation for delivering effective education. The trust operates a behaviour policy that challenges students to display outstanding attitudes to learning that allows all students to excel.
The Trust has a commitment to delivering behaviour management and support for students that is fair and consistent, allows students with additional needs to flourish and ensures that the learning environment for all students is productive and conducive to learning.
Support with behaviour reset
A clear behaviour policy, which is regularly reviewed, using an evidence-based approach
Support for academy senior staff as required
Individual mentoring for staff
Regular liaison with external agencies to seek advice and support

Examples of impact:
The DSI arranged collaboration between an academy that had been successfully operating and had embedded the Trust’s behaviour policy and an academy that was about to launch the new policy. This ensured that the staff and pupils were prepared for the introduction of the policy. Administration procedures, information for parents and pupils, CPD material and modelling of best practice significantly aided the successful implementation of the policy.
The EP co-ordinated an external speaker to deliver a session on updated behaviour management research in the primary sector. As a follow-up, the EP invited participants from across the three primary academies to join a working party with a focus on reviewing and developing the behaviour policy. This led to a number of meetings, where individual staff researched and led sessions, using an evidence-based approach to re- defining our values and practices. As a consequence, systems were updated leading to a great improvement in reducing low level disruption.
The EP made improving attendance a priority in one of the primary academies. A new team was put together and a new approach was taken, using latest guidance and research to modify policies and procedures with more detailed and more regular monitoring. As a result, attendance and punctuality improved significantly.