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Stakeholder consultation: Resource Specialist Provision (RSP) at Waltham Toll Bar Academy

Tollbar MAT Sixth Form College To Increase Lessons To Help Students Recover From Covid-19 Disruption

Simon Ritchie (left), who will be the new Head of Tollbar MAT Sixth Form College from September, when an extra period of teaching will be added to each day. With him is Darren Green, who will become Deputy Head of Sixth Form.

Tollbar MAT Sixth Form College is increasing the amount of time its students are taught in the classroom from September in light of the number of hours of teaching they have missed during the Covid-19 emergency.

The college will increase its day from seven to eight periods when students return full-time in the Autumn, adding an extra 40-minute period each day. The day will then finish at 4.45pm instead of the current 4.05pm.

David Hampson, Chief Executive of Tollbar Multi Academy Trust, said: "In light of the current national situation within education, I have looked at the provision moving forward for the Sixth Form College students and future students. From September there will be increased contact time for all subject disciplines, expanding to seven periods per subject.  

"This will be extremely beneficial to all students to help build on their confidence back in the classroom, and increase their level of engagement. It is our priority, especially in these times, to ensure that all students have the best opportunities to reach their full potential and succeed into higher education and/or employment."

A new management structure will also be in place from the Autumn term at the Sixth Form College. Simon Ritchie has been appointed Head of Sixth Form following an extremely successful career at Tollbar Academy. His Deputy will be Sixth Form Teacher Darren Green.

Caroline Yates, Tollbar Academy Principal, said: "Throughout these unprecedented times I have been extremely proud of the dedication of all students and staff at both Tollbar Academy and Tollbar MAT Sixth Form College, particularly their quality of work and level of engagement.

"Mr Ritchie has a proven track record leading an extremely successful Science Department at Tollbar Academy for many years.  He is also is an experienced Vice Principal who has worked across Tollbar Multi Academy Trust and experienced a number of different roles, which will transfer successfully into leading Tollbar MAT Sixth Form College.

"Mr Green is an experienced Assistant Principal who has worked for Tollbar Academy for a number of years. He is an exceptional Sixth Form Teacher and has a wealth of experience to bring to the team."

Simon Ritchie said: "I have been involved with Tollbar MAT Sixth Form College since 2006, and I am really excited to lead the college going forward."